Stupid me, I forget every single winter that the cold literally destroys my lips. But every year I let it happen no matter how many chap sticks I have in my draws I always forget to transfer them to my bag! What I've found over the years is that many chap sticks will dry out my lips more than they do moisturise. This is due to the petroleum, although it is very oily and thick when it dries it feels like its pulling the moisture out and beginning to crack. Does anyone else have this?
Those cute little tubs of vaseline that make you addicted is for me always because I have to keep reapply and so continuously buying the product. My lips become dependant on it instead of curing the dryness. I love savonnerie nutritive lip balm. (here)I love keeping it with me just because of the smell, but in this case is really does sooth my dry lips, finally!
Keeping with my natural addiction, Savonnerie is 100% natural so I know there aren't any nasty chemicals drying out my lips. Plus I don't need to keep reapplying all day. If I've forgotten it one day my lips will survive. Although Vaseline is only £1 I'd rather pay £4.95 and have something that actually benefits me! Have you tried Savonnerie, what are you favourites?
Until next time xo